Gossip With Dr. Miller Archived Articles and Column Responses

The Hanukkah and Christmas Connection

When we think of Hannukah and Christmas, we identify the two as opposing or separate holidays, causing a rift between Jewish and Christian communities.  It can be easily assumed that Jesus had nothing to do with Hanukkah and that there was nothing Jewish about Christmas, but both assumptions are incorrect. 
I will begin by stating the facts. 

Jesus was Jewish. This meant that Jesus celebrated all Jewish traditions throughout His life, following the Law of the Lord (Luke 2:39), such as Passover, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and yes… Hanukkah. 
So, today, when we hear the horrible story of how the Jewish people killed Jesus, you must remember He was killed by his own people; for he too was Jewish.   
Let us back up for a moment and get the whole story (short version) read more…

Election 2022

Election time is approaching, November 8th, and I encourage all to use this constitutional right.  Your vote can make a difference in the home, pocketbook, schools, and overall personal beliefs.  It is essential to vote based on the representatives that best support the same values, morals, and ideologies as you.  If you choose not to vote, you lose the right to complain about your current issues. 
On that note, I want to stress a critical factor when voting… 
When you vote, you need to consider ALL that the party is invested in because you are voting on ALL the agenda of that party, not just the topics that interest you.  Let me break it down in layman’s terms, if you are voting for a party that follows some, but not all, your beliefs, you are voting for the fundamental ideas of that party.
For example, you cannot say you are pro-life and vote for the party that is pro-choice, or you are now pro-choice.  If you vote for lowering taxes but vote for a party that has pushed inflation, you are now for higher taxes.  Who you choose to vote for reflects ALL that party’s ideologies; we do not get to pick and choose.  Once that party is in office, they will implement all that party’s politics. Continue reading.    

Who Could Possibly Be Okay With This?

I don’t care which political party you are for, or against, don’t tell me you are okay with releasing heinous criminals back into our society??
This is not a political issue it’s a human safety issue.
Our governor is allowing dangerous people out of incarceration and allowing criminals on the streets to commit crimes without repercussions!
What in the tarnation is going on???

The deterrence for committing crimes…. is just GONE!
What about the victims, what about justice for families of victims, what about justice for the deceased? When their offender is released… are they supposed to live the rest of their lives in fear?

What happened to our criminal justice system protecting the innocent?
What the hell is going on? What planet are we living on, people??
We all want the drugs and crimes to stop in our city, right? But we’re okay with allowing illegal, un-vetted, people into our communities, releasing criminals out of jail, and allowing ALL to commit crimes with no repercussions for their actions???
It will be a free-for-all in ALL of our homes…a criminal’s dream!
Continue Reading

Who Is The POTUS?

I’m calling it as I see it….Biden doesn’t have Covid. 
He doesn’t have cancer. 
HE HAS DEMENTIA!  Elderly abuse at its finest! 

10 Symptoms of Dementia:

1. Word-finding difficulty: One may be able to compensate by using synonyms or defining the word:
*Biden makes up people, words, and stories (Corn-Pop, Roosevelt)
*Biden botched the US Declaration of Independence.  “You know…. you know that thing.”
*Biden cannot keep a train of thought.  He mumbles words and makes up memories.
*Biden, “By the way, you know, I sit on the stand, and it’d get hot. I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again.”

2. Forgetting names, appointments, or whether or not the person has done something; losing things 
*Biden turns to sister “this is my wife.”
*Biden, “I keep forgetting I’m the President.”
*Biden’s confused about where he is going and where he is, consistently looking for guidance.

3. Difficulty performing familiar tasks: Driving, cooking a meal, household chores, managing personal finances 
*Biden, “I’m Biden, and I’m running for the Senate.”
*. Biden, “President Harris and I…” 
*Biden needs cue cards to tell him where to sit. 
*Biden literally reads the teleprompter directions aloud.  Biden, “repeat the line.” 
*In yesterday’s Climate Speech, Biden states he and many others have cancer from poor climate areas.
*Biden falls up the steps of his plane and off his bike.
4. Personality changes (sociable person becomes withdrawn or a quiet person is coarse and silly
*Biden being pulled away from crowd by Easter Bunny.
*Bidens family keeps him away from speeches, conferences, and media.

5. Uncharacteristic behavior.  Mood swings, often with brief periods of anger or rage 
*Biden, “Come on man.”
*Biden, “lying dog faced pony solider.”
*Biden, “You got more questions?” he flared. “Well, I’m telling you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
*Biden, “You’re a damn liar, man.” 
*Biden calls Peter Doocy “Stupid son of a b%$@.”
Read More….

Feeling the Pinch

When a country is energy independent, actually leading the world in energy production, and decides overnight, on a political agenda, to try to transition into a new form of energy usage (Green New Deal), but does not have the technology, know-how, or funding to implement said ideology, crises will arise.  

Currently, all Americans are experiencing monstrous price inflation on just about everything we need to survive since most products have a connection to the fuel industry via manufacturing or distribution.  All plastics are derivatives of fuel by-products, and the energy industries are essential to keeping global economics in motion.  We see this in food, clothing, medical supplies, shelter, household products, vehicles, and, most notably, fuel.  There is no need to explain the plethora of reasons why energy is so essential for the world to function; it simply CAN NOT be shut off overnight without a reliable substitute.  If not, the rest of the globe will provide the products and energy, never making the transition themselves.  

Prices have risen so high compared to one year ago that people are working just to put food on the table and gas in the car, with little to spare for shelter and other survival necessities. Trust me when I tell you, we have all paid back the stimulus checks two-fold. As I stated last year, NOTHING IS FOR FREE.

Printing all this imaginary debt now destabilizes the actual worth of the American dollar. Recession is looming over us as we face historic lows in consumer sediment.  American families and businesses struggle to cope while policymakers keep adding to the carnage of debt in the homes, at the same time enriching themselves in this new fairytale energy agenda. We are all now reliant on other countries to support the greatest country in history. Read More…


Facebook has become a communal crutch for the opinionated that has enabled us to use a voice with the ability to mute defending views, which is fine if all we are doing is seeking attention.  But a valid opinion is backed by thoughts that are based on knowledge, personal experience, and in some cases, research. 
If the objective is to decline all other ideologies based on personal beliefs, you will only gain the perspective of like-minded people, which in turn is close-minded.  Maybe to say that another person’s opinion was correct would mean others may not value your future thoughts?  Or perhaps you feel lesser than if you admit you are wrong but share a new viewpoint in future conversations as if it were your original belief? 

No matter the reasoning, to post a controversial opinion, and get differing perspectives on that topic, seeing it from another’s perspective, is called growth.  See, when people disagree, there has to be a realistic assessment of commonality in order to seek resolution.  In other words, it is necessary to see the situation from all sides because once you view the other person’s perception of the topic, you’ve allowed yourself to communicate to that person that you hear them, and acknowledge their thoughts, feelings, and needs. Read More…

Does Gender Matter

 I will begin this article by first saying I am not against anyone in the LGBTQ movement. For some, this is a sexual preference and identity. My friends and family are in my life because I love them, not because of their personal preferences. On that note, biologically, there are two genders, male (XY) and female (XX).  I am not including hermaphrodite since this population has female and male genitalia but still carries female or male chromosomes.
The reason I state the obvious is because gender does play a key role in areas that reflect one’s development, the ratio of hormones (Fertility/Estrogen Spermatogenesis/Testosterone), physiological activities, muscle mass, bone mass, body fat, metabolism, organ size, and brain function, all which are different in females and males.              
So, why is this important, and does gender matter?  And the answer is yes. Here’s why. Read more

Viewer Alex responds to Dr. Miller’s article “Does Gender Matter”

Hey doctor, what do you suggest children and adults should do if they want to compete in a sport for school or college or even the Olympics if they claim they are transgender, or labeled the wrong gender due to genital parts only but mentally identify opposite of the gender assigned at birth? There are trans people that are unrecognizable that they are trans unless they disclose that information, unlike the 6ft tall swimmer in the latest headlines. Short of a blood test people would not know the difference~ Alex

Dear Alex,
This is a touchy topic, but I will be candid. 
Let’s start with the facts. 

Early Childhood Level
Based on a doctor’s observation of a child’s external sex organs, the birth certificate will state your child’s biological gender.  Children are not born with an innate understanding of “boy” or “girl”.  Gender identity is learned from parents, older children, or educators through social expectations of masculine and feminine expression; boys wear blue, girls wear pink, boys play with trucks, girls play with dolls, boys have penises, girls have vaginas, etc., which continues into puberty and adulthood.  A majority of young children will explore their gender identity naturally.  For example, a young boy may put on his mother’s heels and say, look, I’m a girl.”  This does not mean the child is transgender.  That labeling stems from those raising the child at this early stage.  Keep in mind that an individual’s physical and emotional attraction to a member of the same or the opposite sex is very difficult to predict prior to puberty. So, to answer the question regarding children and sports, it should depend on the child’s biological sex, which a birth certificate can simply determine.  As a matter of fact, this is the same answer for the second half of your question.

Middle and High School Level
The number of those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender, has doubled from roughly a decade ago, most likely due to social acceptance and peer pressure.  Grasping an understanding of gender identity at this age is typically correlated with depression, anxiety, victims of sexual violence, or school bullying, leading to higher rates of gender identity dysphoria; hence why GID has been deemed a mental illness on the DSMIV. 

Regardless, it does not deter the fact that men and women are biologically, mentally, and physically different.  We cannot deflect from the obvious; boys have an inherent advantage over girls in school sports.  If not true, we wouldn’t have boy and girl sports; everyone would just compete against one another.  Let me also point out that a majority of parents do not want a young adult male, who identifies as a female, to be in their daughter’s locker room.  At this stage in a young man’s life, surgery is not optional, and it is not okay for young women to see a young man’s genitals.  Period.

Let’s continue with school sports. 
For some, at the high school level, sports dictate a future career.  Scouts come to see what students they want for their college leagues.  Having boys on girls’ teams can hinder these young women from gaining access to the colleges of their choice. Is this our future?  No longer having female sports played by females? This is why sex categories in sports exist.

College and Olympic Level             
To answer your question about trans-athletes that could be confused as the biological gender they identify with is where biology comes into play.  Whether pro-athletes are given a blood test or have to provide a birth certificate, there are methods to extracting one’s biological sex.  The reason?  Well, there is currently a general lack of understanding regarding the potential consequences of trans-athletes in elite sports.  Sport is a multi-billion-dollar industry with intense competition. 

Therefore, the sports owners, coaches, and athletes will do anything to gain an advantage. Not saying that this is the intent with trans-athletes or even gender identity in general, but it is biological and physiological differences that can impede opportunities from one industry over another; skeletal muscle constitutes about 42% of a man’s body mass, but only 36% of a woman’s body mass (Berezow, 2018).  Therefore, it is up to the pro-sports programs to ensure biological identity is determined at this level of sports, safeguarding the fairness of each industry.  This is not a moral argument or an attempt to justify any one individual being treated differently from another; it is simply a review of the empirical evidence and a rationale for why the different categories exist. 
Thank you for your great question, Alex.
Until Next Week,
Dr. Amy Miller

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