Please scroll to the bottom of the page to make your donation.

Hopefully you’re enjoying being part of the community. 17 years of continuous stories and articles and images with one goal in mind, to make the website an informative landing place that brings the community together.

We believe that many achievements, no matter how big or small need recognition and brought to the attention of the fine people of this community. This is why when scrolling the website, you may see a congratulatory article announcing a wedding anniversary, or one of our local student’s achievements. You may find an article about an act of kindness or heroism that needs to be shared with the community.

We also strive to keep our neighbors informed of the events of the day, and the events in the future, and even a glimpse into the past by providing the Community Calendar that brings information to your fingertips. One tap on the calendar will open to show an entire page of information that you can share to Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and you can also send the information page in an email.

Not only has the community learned the website is their go to place for all kinds of information from weekly school lunch menus, phone numbers and locations for our local government, area obituaries and more, they also often reach out to us in their times of need.

We have answered requests for help by providing Christmas or Thanksgiving groceries to families, giving them what’s needed to cook a holiday meal. We have helped to stock empty food pantries and refrigerators throughout the years for families that would have gone hungry without our assistance.

We have quietly fulfilled the Christmas wishes of parents by providing them unwrapped gifts for their children, including wrapping paper and tape and ribbon so they get to experience the joy of wrapping and putting items under their tree for the children to wake up to on Christmas morning.

Throughout the last 17 years we have assisted adults and children in so many different ways, for so many different reasons, and the need never ends as we have learned. We often hear from many of our faithful website visitors and Facebook group members, “how can we support the website”. Or “what can any of us do to help?”

This question has prompted us to make a “Donation” button in the event anyone would like to take part in supporting the website and the work we do behind the scenes. We love that you want to be part of these efforts that make all of this possible. We appreciate your faithful viewership throughout the years and look forward to many more years to come!